miércoles, 2 de enero de 2019


Hello!  Today I'm going to talk about a new that I saw a few minutes ago, I think that this kind of news are not very often. This new its about a train accident that happened in a Bridge in Denmark were 6 people died. 
The reports says that this accident was on the ''Great Belt Bridge'' which is located in between the Denmark's central Islands: ''Funen and Zealand''
The reporters also says that this accident was caused by a tarpaulin from a freight train hitting a passenger train. This was during a heavy storm. 
In my opinion, I think that the countries that are located in north Europe used to have a lot of heavy wind and snowstorms, those are very dangerous, specially for the transport, so I think that these countries should close their bridges during this  kind of weather to prevent different accidents like the one that I've just mentioned.

In fact, this accident was the worst on Denmark's well-developed rail network in 30 years! The other think that I found that we must know is that, this accident includes the world third-longest suspension bridge, that carries trains and cars.. This structure carries about 21000 train passengers a day! as well as more than 27000 vehicles!  

Sadly in this accident the police confirmed that 6 people died (as I said before) and 16 were wounded in the accident. There were 131 passengers and  3 crew on board, which happened aproximately at 7:35am. 

miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2018

What I do during my Free time

Hello! Today I was thinking about the activities that I do When I have some free time. In fact, I don't have that much time because I spend most of my time at the University and at work, but When I have some free time, I like to do Sports, going out, ride my bike, etc.

I prefer to do Sports because  it's very healthy and you feel less stressfull When you practice a sport, specially when it's outdoors.
I like to run and ride my bike. Here in Santiago I don't have my bike so I don't do that very often, but When I'm on holidays and I go to my hometown, I do that a couple of times per week!
I usually go with my sister, then We spend some good time together.

The best part of it is that you can see a lot of different landscapes while you're riding your bike, I also feel relax and free so I really recommend this activity for everyone, specially If you feel stressfull or if you want to do something different of your daily routine!

Sadly, while I'm studying, I don't have that much time for me, and when I have some, I feel tired to do this activity, or is to late, so that's why I prefer to do that while I'm on vacations, where I'm plenty of free time 

miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2018

A fighter for equality

Now on days, there are a bunch of great characters into the Chilean History, it's difficult to decide which one is better, so I'm going to talk about someone that maybe is not the greatest Chilean of all time but it's someone that is very important and interesting for me, I'm going to talk about Amanda Labarca.

First of all, I want to introduce saying that She was considered by the Univesidad de Chile as one of the Women with most talent that has produced this country, so now you'll know why!

She became a teacher and work different places, then, She moved to the States to study the scholar system in Chile. At the United States, She learned a lot about female equality, specially related with education aspects. When she came back to Chile, she fought for women's rights in Chile (Specially during the fight for the right to vote for women)
She also became the first female academic at the Universidad de Chile in 1922, she founded the ''National council of Women'', the ''Female Civic League'' and others.

Those are some reasons about why I found her very interesting and why I admire her, If I had the possibility to ask her about something, I would ask her about how was the feeling for being the first academic in our University and in consequence, to be the only woman in the place you work.

miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2018


Hello! Today I want to talk about an Architect that I very like, maybe some of you know him, or maybe have seen some of his buildings, I'm talking about Antoni Gaudí, a famous Spanish Architect.

Gaudí was born in Catalunya, Spain and he was part of the founders of an artistic movement called ''Art Nouveau'' (this movement was recognized for the geometric forms, use of simmetry, curve lines, lots of colour, etc.)

Now on days, many of his buildings are very touristic, specially the ones that are located in Spain. The most famous (I think) is the ''Sagrada Familia'' Church (Barcelona, Spain) the most funny thing is that he designed that church a long time ago and it's not finish yet! (it supposed to be finish on 2026)

The most interesting from this building is that there are a lot of small details (specially on the walls and the roof) the architecture it's just so amazing, I would really want to go there if I had the possibillity

One of my favourites buildings that he had designed are the ''Güell Park, and the Batlló House'' both are also located in Barcelona, I like them because the architecture it's very modern (as you can see in the pictures, he used a lot the curves in those buildings) it's also related with nature and the materials that he used are also very interesting (I would recommend you to visit those buildings if you have the possiblity to go there) 

(The First picture is the ''Sagrada Familia Church'' and the second one is the ''Batlló House'')

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018

A Job that I would like to have
Hello! Maybe all of us have ever dreamed to have a nice job in the future. Well, now I'm studying Architecture (This is my first year studying this) and I do very like it, so, as you can imagine, in the future I want to be an architect.
Architecture it's very relate with creativity, art, design, etc. Since I was little I enjoyed those things and I still like them, so, a couple of years ago I decided that this career can be for me. 

In my opinion, an Architect need to have some skills to do this job, maybe the most important can be that you need to enjoy/love what you're doing, (for example, to create new places for different people, create new buildings, rebuild, etc.) because otherwise you can get frustrated and consequently you'll work not as good as if you have a job that you really like. 

I was also thinking about to have a summer job this year because I want to save some money in the future. I would like to work in a Restaurant, a cafe or somewhere related with food.
 Why I would like to work there? 
First of all, I think that the work environment its nice and dynamic. I think that a person who wants to work in a place related with custom service needs to like this dynamic environment. 
Secondly, most of these places (restaurants, cafes, etc.) used to give to their workers some free food (I think that, that's  the best part of work in places like these ones!) 

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018

Think in GREEN!🌲
Hello! Today I want to talk about a topic that it can be interesting for all you, the environment, don't you think that it's important for us to take care of our environment? I mean, is where we're living and where our future generations will live...,  In my opinion, this is an important fact because in the future there will be probably less green areas, more air pollution, natural catastrophes, etc.
In my opinion, our government is not taking this so serious, they should think about doing more laws related to the environment, don't you think so?
So the question is... What we can do?
First of all, I think that is a good idea to recycle our trash, in different countries they already are doing this, so we should start by doing this!
Another thing that I've found very interesting would be to try to walk or use the bike to go to different
places, I know that this could be hard if you live far from the university or work, but at least you can just go walking to places that are close to you, then We're helping the environment :) Air pollution is something that is happening right now so if We don't do something from now, it will be worse in the future. This is serious!

And last but not less important is that, in my opinion, the Chilean government should encourage tree plantations around the county because another problem is that we do not have that many green areas here, Don't you think so? 

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018

Don't you think that reading it's important for us? Today I want to talk about a lecture that I've been reading during this week, I've founded very interesting because it's a Report that I've to read for a course(cfg) . It's about physical dissability and how people can face to it.
The Report starts with different stories about people that have some kind of dissability and how they live in a normal day. 
For me, one of those stories caught my attention, It was a story about a Blind girl, during her life, for her was so difficult to lay with that dissability because one of her passions was music .She wanted to be a musician in the future. She started to play Guitar, even she was Blind, for her that wasn't an obstacle. Her Family also support her a lot. Now on days she is composing her own songs and also she is giving talks to people with dissability. I can imagine that she must be very proud of it.

I really enjoyed that article because I learned that if you have a goal, you've to go for it even if there are many obstacles before you reach it.